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Life Hacks: Internet issue While Working From Home? How to solve it?

Internet issue While Working From Home & its remedy – After the panic of Corona, the people of the city are slowly returning to the rhythm. Most people worked from home during the lockdown. Yet some people still work from home.

The biggest problem with working from home is the occasional loss of internet connection. The work is disrupted causing a loss of productive time if this issue arises.

However, in case of a sudden internet crash, keep in mind a few simple tricks to strengthen WiFi.

How to solve the internet connection problem at your home

  1. Replace the home router with a 5 GHz router. This type of connection will work faster. (Replacement of router with better version)
  2. If there is a problem with the signal, if necessary, put your home router elsewhere in your house. (Relocation of the router)
  3. When working from home, try not to watch movies using Wi-Fi at home. In other words, do not be active on the net for some other heavy usage purpose. At the same time, if you use the internet for various purposes, it becomes weak.
  4. If the router is old, then change the router as soon as possible.
  5. If the internet suddenly goes off, reset the router once.
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  • Post last modified:July 1, 2023